To reach a proper diagnosis and treatment plan as quickly as possible, we have a modern and extensive laboratory. This allows us to often get a lot of information about your pet the same day.

Blood test

With the extensive equipment in our practice, we get information on the same day including:

  • Anemia
  • Ignition values
  • Kidney Function
  • Liver function
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid

However, blood tests are not only important in sick animals. In older animals, it is important to detect dormant conditions early, for example, chronic renal failure. This is why we recommend geriatric screening in older animals. In patients who go under anesthesia with us, the so-called “pre-anesthetic blood test” is advised. This looks at the organs that are important for safely processing anesthesia in order to adjust anesthesia, if necessary, and minimize the risk of complications.

When we cannot perform studies indoors, we use a large specialized laboratory from which we also get results within 1 to 5 days, depending on the type of test.


Urinalysis gives us vital information in kidney and bladder disease, but is also important in animals that drink too much or are incontinent. The tests include blood and inflammatory cells, bladder stones, the concentrating ability of the kidneys and bacteria. Additionally, it may sometimes be necessary to perform an X-ray or ultrasound of the abdomen.

Fecal examination

When there are many gastrointestinal complaints, poor appetite or unwanted weight loss, stool tests can be very important. The most common intestinal parasite Giardia can be diagnosed using a rapid field test. For other tests, we will ask you for a 3-day sample and send it to an external laboratory.


Microscopy is used in several skin and ear conditions. Sometimes this will require taking a swab or scraping from your pet.

Tissue research and pathology

We use the laboratory Idexx for these examinations. When a lump is punctured or removed, or when we want to culture a bacteria, the sample is always sent.